This attractive, popular field guide to the plants of Stewart Island describes and illustrates more than 800 species, some in colour, and includes conspicuous "lower plants" such as mosses and seaweeds, as well as higher plants (trees, shrubs, herbs, ferns).
The easy-to-use key and clear illustrations make this the definitive guide to the plants of Stewart Island. However, the book is also of enormous value to plant lovers elsewhere in New Zealand where many of the same species occur.
First printed in 1982 by Field Guide Publications; subsequently reprinted and updated by Manuka Press in 1994. This new printing further updates name changes and corrects the few errors in the previous two editions.
Facsimile reprint of the 1994 edition with 11 pages of amendments and corrections.
December 2009, Colour and B&W illustrations, 528pp, 175 x 114 mm, softback, $40.00 ISBN 978-0-9583299-5-8 Published by Manuka Press