Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden

The sculpture garden Annabel Menzies-Joyce and Peter Joyce have nurtured in Tai Tapu provides a fascinating, endlessly changing alternative to the interior white cube. The changing sky, fluctuating wind, seasonal substitutions of texture and colour, and the constant, fleeting presence of birds, are an essential part of the art experience.

This book tells the story of the development of Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden.  In 2010, after horses and daughters had left home, there was an initial plan to restore part of a 1.1 hectare horse paddock into native bush. By the end of that year, the plan had become to restore all the paddock into native bush and create a sculpture garden within the bush. 2023 and the release of this book marks the 10 year anniversary of this development.

Filled with exquisite photographs by renowned photograper Brian High.

Published February 2023, 167 pages, 240mm by 210mm, hard cover.

Sample Pages

RRP: NZ$60.00

ISBN 978-0-9583299-8-9

Published by Manuka Press in cooperation with The Caxton Press.

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